Monday, July 31, 2006
Bush with a Bible
On one hand, the idea of former gang members becoming Christian rappers is kind of appealing. Rapping about Jesus instead of 'hos and killing cops is a definite improvement. And envisioning Christian rappers performing in ultra-secular London is downright amusing.
Truce, an American evangelical Christian organization, is sponsoring the group, whose leader is Nicky Cruz, a former leader of the New York gang Mau Mau. The rappers serve as missionaries, attempting to draw in the gangs of east London.
Sounds fine on the surface, doesn't it? Until you learn that, in comments on his Web site, Cruz says that "being homosexual is just as much a handicap as being hooked on junk" and lesbians are "God's lost sheep," among other things. He kind of sounds like another bigoted Reggie White, minus the jock strap. I can't blame the English for being upset that "the Yanks are coming, the Yanks are coming," and they're using public funds to promote a homophobic, anti-choice message.
Terry Stewart, of Hackney Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual Independent Network, said: "We want to know why public funds are being used to bring evangelical organisations over to deliver services that the Met and the local authority should be providing. He is Bush with a Bible." Amen, brother. And welcome to our last five years.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Suffer the Little Children
What's got people's panties bunched is the method Greenberg uses to ellicit those tears: she takes a lollipop away from the child (which she later returns). She's being accused of child abuse for making the darlings cry.
Oh, please. I watched a toddler have a meltdown yesterday at Wal-Mart because his mom wouldn't buy him a Digger the Farting Dog. That evil woman, letting her child sit in the shopping basket, crying his eyes out because he didn't get his heart's desire! I'll bet you he forgot about Digger before they reached their car. Kids cry, then they get over it, unless adults make a big deal about it.
Greenberg's photos are lovely. I think we're in for another rendition of Generation Me...perhaps Generation Me Me...of people upset because every day of their lives isn't filled with sunshine and presents.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Movin' on Up (Maybe)
Monday, July 24, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
I Ate His Liver with Some Fava Beans and a Nice Chianti

Oh, I could write sooooo many captions for this photo!
How about:
"Not bad, but he could use a little A-1."
"I said I was having YOU for dinner."
"Take a bite out of crime."
"I'm never going to a prom with that Carrie girl again."
"Don't worry, dear. Tide will take out the blood stains."
"It's just a flesh wound."
"Curse My Metal Body, I Wasn't Fast Enough...

Another interesting scene from Thursday afternoon at Comic-Con.
Help Me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, My Breasts Have Tripled in Size

Thursday, July 20, 2006
This Stormtrooper Has Seen Better Days

This is one of many photos I took today at Comic-Con International. I was actually there for work (tough life, huh!); we had a booth. I had a blast.
I saw more stormtroopers than I could count, one Vulcan, several Obi-Wans, lots of Lord of the Rings imitators and Harry Potter characters and Pirates of the Carribean wannabes. Plus a bunch of costumes representing I-don't-know-what.
I'm tired. I'm going to bed. I'm sure I'll have visions of Japanese anime dancing in my head.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Send Me Your Spare Kleenex...

I had a Barnes & Noble gift card burning a hole in my wallet, I enjoy Grogan's Inquirer columns, and I love animal stories; I've read all of James Herriot's books multiple times. I know I'll love this book, even if my waterworks run full blast.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
My Mind and Soul Take a Vacation

I'm thinking of an evening in Oban, an evening when the world was at peace. An evening of subtle shades of blue and orange and grey, of winds sweeping in from the Atlantic, of ships leaving the harbor, riding the waves toward Mull. I'm remembering the taste of mead on my lips, of a woollen shawl around my shoulders, of hearing seagulls and bagpipes and the distant horn of the ferry hang in the evening air. I'm again seeing the outlines across the bay of Mull and Kerrera and Lismore, islands sleeping in the slate-colored water like dozing whales. So far away from strife, from words of hate and war, from uncertain futures and corporate greed and the stress of city life and opportunities missed. I'm thinking of an evening in Oban, and I swear, it feels like if I think hard enough, I can almost be there.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Lines on My Face

Is it just me, or does Hillary Clinton look really old in this photo? Much has been said about how presidents age while in office. I think her husband's two terms took a toll on Hillary as well.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Many Thanks!
Sun Tea

The only thing I like about summer is making sun tea. I have a jug of tea brewing on the patio right now; it's regular Lipton plus four bags of Celestial Seasonsings black cherry berry tea.
The Midnight Sun
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Google this!
Word is that Google has lost it's trademark. So many people use the term as a verb meaning "to look something up on the computer" that it's been included in new editions of popular dictionaries. The same thing happened to Refrigerater, Kleenex, and Xerox has been fighting it for years.Friday, July 07, 2006
The Gap
The reason why there's a large gap below (and above) is MOZILLA FIREFOX. This is the crappiest browser I have ever used! When I enabled the title bar for posting, it worked fine with IE, but not Mozilla. This browser gives me a devil of a time when I develope Web sites at work and for myself. Netscape and IE are fine; Mozilla is a mule. Don't use it.If this blog looks odd to you, please view it in Internet Explorer or Netscape. Thanks!
Bear With Me
I finished Greg Bear's Darwin's Radio last week. A very good read, although I'm admittedly not an expert on the human genome or molecular biology. That's okay, because Bear is. I must admit that I skimmed some of the "deep science" passages and cut to the plot, which was very good: the human race is about to make a large evolutionary leap forward, and some people are very uncomfortable with that. The scenarios he described (hysteria over mass miscarriages, government control over pregnant women, shunning the new breed of humans) are all too plausible. Give it a read sometime.Thursday, July 06, 2006

A View from Above
I'm afraid of heights, but I couldn't miss the opportunity to photograph the colorful San Diego County Fair from the Ferris wheel.The fair ended July 4, and I picked up my entries yesterday. It's always sad to watch the concession booths being towed away, the rides disassembled, and the big stuffed dogs and Nemo the fish being stuffed into a van, ready for their trip to the next fair. It's like watching a temporary city take flight.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Questionable Priorities
It's hard to believe that the police, FBI, and Secret Service in western Massachusetts had nothing better to do than hunt for a camera containing unauthorized photos of Brad Pitt and Sausage Lips. I know they've been spending a lot of time in Africa, so have they adopted the notion of some African tribes that a photograph captures the soul? It's ridiculous to me that three divisions of law enforcement would be involved in tracking down celebrity photos. Come on, people, Brad and Sausage are not gods, and the camera didn't capture their souls. Get some perspective.
Note to Brad and Sausage: If you didn't want your photographs taken, you should have chosen other careers. It's part of being a celebrity, and it's the price you pay for your lavish lifestyle.