Friday, July 28, 2006

Suffer the Little Children

People are writing hate mail to photographer Jill Greenberg, creator of the exhibit "End Times" that's currently on display at the Paul Kopeikin Gallery in Los Angeles. The exhibit features photos of tear-streaked toddlers, crying as if the world were ending.

What's got people's panties bunched is the method Greenberg uses to ellicit those tears: she takes a lollipop away from the child (which she later returns). She's being accused of child abuse for making the darlings cry.

Oh, please. I watched a toddler have a meltdown yesterday at Wal-Mart because his mom wouldn't buy him a Digger the Farting Dog. That evil woman, letting her child sit in the shopping basket, crying his eyes out because he didn't get his heart's desire! I'll bet you he forgot about Digger before they reached their car. Kids cry, then they get over it, unless adults make a big deal about it.

Greenberg's photos are lovely. I think we're in for another rendition of Generation Me...perhaps Generation Me Me...of people upset because every day of their lives isn't filled with sunshine and presents.


Amen! Give little Johnny or Jill every gawd-damn thing they want or they''ll grow up being pissed off and bitching the rest of their sad wettle lives.
Ya know, there really should be a statue of limitations on childhood tramas. Oy!
Did these same people get upset when they saw the pictures of the little dead children yesterday?

If I had a hundred bucks for every time I cried as a little kid when I didn't get something I wanted I would be powerfully wealthy today.

Kids cry when they get shots, should we stop giving them shots because it's mean to make them cry?

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