Friday, November 17, 2006
Caveman Has Good Taste

Have you ever had a TV commercial turn you onto some really good music? The current Geico Insurance spot featuring the caveman at the airport has a great background track called "Remind Me" by a Norwegian group named Royksopp. I checked out their Web site and listened to more of their tunes, such as "Poor Leno." If you like European electronica and techno (which I do), you'll like Royksopp. And their videos are fantastic!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Gone to the Dogs
I'm taking a (hopefully) short break from blogging. For the second year, I'm helping to judge the Dog Writer's Association of America Writing Contest. I have a 10 lb. box of articles, books, posters, and other materials to read and critique by November 20. I can already tell you exactly what you need to do when you bring home a new puppy, as well as the pros and cons of canned, moist, dry, and frozen dog foods. By the time I finish, I'll be a walking encyclopedia on dogs. I also have a new kitten who is proving to be a big but charming distraction. See you in a week or two.